
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Junior Choir on Sunday!

Last Sunday after Church, I interrupted this fine group of singers practicing their music for the 10:30 service this week! The Junior Choir has been working hard to prepare and we are looking forward to their leadership this Sunday. It is such a pleasure to have Justin Miller teaching our young people! Thank you Justin! Thank you to Eppie Miller for overseeing Choir lunches and preparing many herself! Thank you also to Cathy Wolford for her teaching and support of the Choir. Finally, thank you to the parents and grandparents who have prepared lunches for the children on Sunday afternoons.

Now everyone, back to work!

See you on Sunday!


  1. How great! I hope this group will be the nucleus for a revival of the fine and fun junior choirs that we used to have at Christ Church! Mary Jo


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