
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Day in the Atrium

On Sunday in the True Vine Atrium I presented the "Synthesis of the Holy Eucharist" material to one child who will be moving up next year. It was a pleasure to see how much he knew about the individual moments of our service and to help him put all of the moments and prayers in order. I love this material! Working with it helps us all to understand that our service of Holy Eucharist is many prayers that together make one great prayer. You can see a photo of the completed work above.

I also presented "How to Use the Bible" to the whole group, and everyone had a good time exploring and marking their Bibles. We talked about Bible citations, and practiced using them to find scripture passages that we know well, such as the Good Shepherd and the Empty Tomb.

I took some photos during work time and thought I would post them here. The children weren't working with the materials much but it was a quiet and peaceful morning!

Finger Knitting is very relaxing.

Enjoying a good book about the gifts of the earth.

Painting a cross.

Writing a letter for Mother's Day.

Completing an art project.

Putting together a 3D model of the Temple 
in Jesus' time that I brought back from Israel.
This is an ongoing project that I'll post about another time.


The Junior Choir sang beautifully during our 10:30 service!

Thank you Junior Choir!


  1. I appreciate seeing the Synthesis material, Leslie. I have not yet begun to make this work for my True Vine Atrium, but seeing it here inspires me to think about getting it ready for next year, so thank you!

    1. I'm so glad! I love that work. There are a lot of pieces to pull together but the work is so great that it is worth it! :)


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