
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Farewell Alleluia!

Today we said goodbye to our old friend "Alleluia." At Christ Church we refrain from using this joyful word during the more solemn and contemplative season of Lent, which begins this week on Ash Wednesday and ends when we gather at the Easter Vigil.

The children decorated the letters of the word "Alleluia" during Christian formation time today. 

During the recessional hymn, the children brought their letters forward so that everyone could see them.

Then Rev. Peter helped us to put them all away.

Farewell Alleluia! We'll see you again at Easter!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting thus..I had forgotten about burying Alleluia. It's a powerful way to enter into Lent. I like the colorful presentation to contrast with the somber season..good prep for Wed.


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