
Wednesday, February 15, 2012


One of my favorite sites from our pilgrimage to Israel was Capernaum on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee. Capernuam is mentioned frequently in the Gospels as Jesus' home base and the place where he called several of his disciples from their nets, but it never made much of an impression on me until I was there!

In many of the Biblical sites we visited, ancient and modern buildings dominated the space in a way that made me more aware of the history of the site than of its spiritual significance. 

Capernaum is different. In this little village along the Sea of Galilee, first century ruins are surrounded by water, trees, and sky. Wandering through the grounds, it is easy to believe and appreciate the fact that Jesus was here. 

In Capernaum there are ruins of a beautiful fourth century Temple.

Beneath this temple, and visible from the outside, are the remains of a first century temple. The white stone is from the fourth century, and the grey stone at the base is from the first. This first century temple is most likely the temple that Jesus knew and where he taught!

Inside the temple, the floor is open in one spot to reveal first century remains.

This modern Church is built above the remains of the site that is believed to have been St. Peter's house. 

Underneath the modern Church are the remains of several Churches built on the site over the centuries, including this 5th century Church.

For me, one of the holiest moments of our trip was celebrating Communion with our group under this tree beside the Sea of Galilee in Capernaum.


  1. I love this - thanks Leslie! Never been to the Holy Lands and not sure I'll ever go, but this blog post made me feel as if I were there for a few minutes this morning. :)

    1. I'm so glad Cathy! Thanks for reading and for the encouragement!

  2. These pictures are great! How helpful for when we teach about it.

    1. Thanks Ticia! I haven't been to your blogs before. What fun! Do you teach Godly Play? Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Wonderful pictures Leslie. I like to see how you relate your trip experiences with the works in the Atrium.

    1. Thanks Deb, I can't wait to bring some things to your atrium!

  4. This is so nice to behold.


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