During our last atrium session, many children decorated an envelope to take home the art work they have completed this year. It is always exciting to look over and enjoy the art work together. I hope you had fun exploring these little gems when they came home! Of course art work is meant to be an extension of our work with the materials in atrium and no art work is proscribed or required. Some children have made many things while others have not. This isn't a concern for us!
Children moving out of the Golden Thread Atrium received prayer crosses this year. Children moving up from the Good Shepherd Atrium received a mustard seed of their very own, and children moving up from the True Vine Atrium received a small lantern. More about promotion and pictures of these gifts can be seen in a post from last year called Moving Day.
As a gift to thank our teachers this year, I took photos of our Church gardens and made them into 100 blank cards.
Each teacher received a little bundle of Christ Church note cards with our thanks for their ministry this year.
Isn't it crazy how fast a year goes by? I absolutely love all the special thank-you gifts that you give the teachers and the crosses for the children moving up. It gives me ideas for the future!