Thursday, January 5, 2012

Eve of the Epiphany!

Happy Twelfth Night! Throughout the Christmas season I've wanted to make a nature nativity which I learned about on my friend Sheila's wonderful blog, Explore and Express. Just in the nick of time, my daughter and I made one today and I am enjoying it so much! You can check out this link to learn how to make a nature nativity of your own! It is a great project for children, and Sheila has some beautiful photos of nature nativity scenes made by the children in her Advent Club. With the addition of Wise Men (which could be taken from your nativity scene, or made from clothes pins or clay) it would be a lovely centerpiece for your table in the season ahead!

Tomorrow is Epiphany, when we remember the Wise Men's visit to the baby Jesus. In December in the True Vine Atrium when we celebrated Christmas, we laid out all of the materials for the Infancy Narratives and looked at them together. One of the themes that the children explored was the presence of the Holy Spirit. It was so wonderful to see the children's eyes light up as they talked about the star as the Holy Spirit at work. What a beautiful metaphor for our lives today as we seek to follow Jesus.

Light a candle at dinner tomorrow or just before bed, and read Matthew 2:1-12 as a family. Ponder the story together. I wonder how the Wise Men knew to follow that star? Do you think it was a difficult journey? What kept them going? I wonder how we might be like the Wise Men?

May the great star of Epiphany brighten your day tomorrow and lead you closer to Jesus in the season ahead!


  1. You two are so creative. It is beautiful.

  2. WHat a beautiful, elegant Navtivity!

    Peter +

  3. Wow, the nativity is beautiful! Thanks for sharing this wonderful idea.

  4. I'm so glad you guys like this idea as much as I do! I really am enjoying having this nativity around the house!

  5. Leslie, Your nativity is breathtaking! I especially love the star and the felted Baby Jesus. It's so much fun to share ideas - thanks for linking to me!


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