Our Magi material from the True Vine Atrium |
The season of Epiphany continues for four to nine weeks, depending upon the date of Easter. This year, Epiphany ends on March 9th, when we begin our preparation for Easter with Ash Wednesday and the season of Lent. I'm sure you've noticed that in Epiphany, green returns to the sanctuary! We have green hangings from the pulpit and lectern, a green dossal curtain (left), and a green stole and chasuble for Rev. Peter.
In the atrium, we often call this season "Growing Time," because in it we can grow into all of the wonderful discoveries we made in the rich and exciting seasons of Advent and Christmas. We also grow in our ministries and mission - getting on with the work we have been called to do. We hear the scriptural accounts of Jesus beginning his ministry, calling his disciples, and teaching his people about the Kingdom of God. Through the stories Jesus tells and through the many miracles he performs, Jesus teaches those who follow the good news of what life is like in God's Kingdom.
Epiphany is growing time! For Jesus, there were people to heal and feed, unjust boundaries to break, and parables to teach. What is God calling you to this Epiphany?
I love the questions you ask in your posts. I was in a meeting the other day and someone was talking to me about "appreciative inquiry" and it made me think of the nature and theme of Epiphany season: i.e. starting with the light what can we be drawn to or build together? After reading this post it made me think of God's presence and strength in my life. I am thankful for this community you have created for us.