Last Sunday (Nov.28th) was the beginning of the season of advent, the time the Church sets aside for us to prepare for the great feast of Christmas. Each season of the Church year is represented by a color, and the liturgical color for advent is blue. You will see blue in Church on Rev. Peter's chasuble, hanging from the pulpit and lectern, and behind the altar on the dossal curtain.
TRY THIS: This Sunday in Church, mention the change in liturgical color to your children and give them a chance to share what they know. Notice the places where you see blue together, and take a look at our beautiful advent wreath.
In the atrium, we have a handful of seasonal celebrations throughout the year and we really enjoy them. Last Sunday in the two lower atria, we celebrated the beginning of advent with a procession and changed the cloth on our prayer tables from green to blue. We also set up our advent wreaths and lit the first blue candle for the the first Sunday of advent. Here are some pictures from the True Vine Atrium celebration for you to enjoy!
The procession. Each person carries something we will need for our celebration. |

Placing the wreath. |
Placing the candles into the wreath. |
Each person adds some greenery to the wreath. |
Adding the greenery. |
Each week we sing a special advent song before lighting the candles. |
Our first candle is lit! |
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