
Friday, October 4, 2013

Pet Blessing Sunday!

Join us this Sunday, October 6th at 10:30 am as we celebrate the feast of St. Francis with a service of Holy Eucharist and Blessing of the Animals!

Bring your pets (on a leash or in a cage) to Church! 

There will be a parade of exotic animals during the service!

Everyone will be invited to bring their pets forward for a blessing.  

See you Sunday!

Christian formation will begin at 9:15 am as usual and atrium will end early so that everyone can enjoy the service. The Nursery will be open from 9:00 am until the conclusion of the 10:30 service.


  1. I just love how nonchalantly you slipped that camel in there!

    1. Ha! Did you see the alligator too?! This year we has some awesome guest animals! I'll post some pictures soon. I hope you are well! :)


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