
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Celebrating Pentecost

Our prayer table decked out in red!
We gathered to celebrate Pentecost in atrium last Sunday! You can learn more about Pentecost and our atrium celebration from a previous post called Pentecost Celebration. This year, I was particularly moved by the children's insights as we talked about the meaning of the different gifts and the solemn and joyful way that each child came forward to light a candle.

Thank you to all of the parents and catechists who brought food and drinks for our feast! The children loved them! Thank you also to our catechists for overseeing the feast so that I could leave early and attend my niece's Confirmation. Being there was a blessing for me!

I was busy during the celebration but caught a few photos afterward to share here.

A lovely piece of artwork made by a child in the True Vine Atrium on Sunday.

The candles, each representing a different gift of the Holy Spirit that we might desire.

The Last Supper environment with the disciples gathered
 in the Upper Room at the time of Pentecost.

The candles representing the gifts we prayed to receive from the Holy Spirit.

The Church was filled with the Holy Spirit this week! Thank you to Lynn and all the volunteers who made the Sanctuary look so lovely!

May the earth be filled with the Holy Spirit
 as we celebrate Pentecost and always!


  1. How nice to see so many in your church wearing red! In my church last Sunday I remarked that the two women who took the collection were both wearing red woolen coats. They looked surprised, because it had not been planned, but then smiled at the realization.

  2. I love the ribbons! Beautiful!


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