
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Holy Week and Easter at Christ Church

Palm Sunday processional cross.
It was a wonderful Holy Week and Easter at Christ Church this year! The older I get the more I look forward to appreciate each of the Holy Week services and I think the Easter Vigil is my favorite service of the year. I wanted to post some pictures from our week. Unfortunately, I don't have photos of every service, but am including what I do have for you to enjoy!

Monday Sung Compline.
The altar for Sung Compline.
Foot washing from the Maundy Thursday Service for families.
More foot washing.
Good Friday altar.
Good Friday cross.
First fire of Easter at the Easter Vigil.
Lighting the paschal candle for the Easter Vigil procession.
Baptism at the Easter Vigil.
Easter Day with butterflies!
Baptismal font and paschal candle at Easter.
The Easter Egg Hunt after Church.
Visiting with the Easter Bunny at the Egg Hunt.
Having fun with the Easter Bunny!
Thank you to everyone who helped to make our Holy Week and Easter services possible, and to everyone who attended!

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