
Friday, January 11, 2013

Epiphany Celebration

With Epiphany falling on a Sunday, we had to work with several interruptions in the True Vine Atrium last week. Children and catechists were coming and going to lead and to observe the Chalking of the Church and procession at the 10:30 service.  Somehow, we still managed to have a very nice morning together!

In honor of Epiphany, we prepared a little celebration for our atrium. To be clear - this is not a Catechesis of the Good Shepherd work, but something we put together ourselves based on an idea from a friend.

We had pondered the scripture and worked with the material of the three wise men the Sunday before Christmas. In atrium last week we remembered the significance of strangers from a foreign land coming to honor Jesus. We wondered at this sign that Jesus' light wasn't just for people in one country or even in one time but for all people and all time. In fact, since that day Jesus' light has spread around the world and across time to us today!

To celebrate this good news, children who were not involved in the Church celebration had the time to choose a country and make a flag to represent it and it's people. We hung these flags in our prayer corner.

After returning from the celebration downstairs, we talked again about the gifts the wise men brought to Jesus and their significance and passed around little samples of each gift. For our celebration, everyone took part in a procession, led by children carrying the Good Shepherd statue and our star lantern. Children carried the three gifts and we sang "We Three Kings" as we processed in and set the prayer table. Once gathered we prayed together, with the children offering special prayers for the countries represented by the flags, and other countries of the world.

It was a sweet morning, and a welcome reminder to me that God can work through imperfect plans and less than ideal schedules!


  1. It looks like things worked out just fine even with interruptions.

    1. Leslie, That's such a creative idea to have the children make flags of different countries. I will have to remember that for new year!


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