
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012!

Away in a manger
Our Christmas Eve service was beautiful again this year! I love the way that we weave the pageant and Holy Eucharist together. I'm posting the few pictures I have and I am so sorry if you can't find your favorite angel or shepherd here. I'll keep looking for more photos. Meanwhile enjoy the season of Christmas! May the wonder and joy of this season be a blessing for all of us, and may we be blessings for one another and for the world!

The Junior Choir!

Shepherds and animals wait...

The Heavenly Host share the good news!

Mary and Joseph stand with Rev. Peter at Communion.

The three Magi and their Royal Page.

Mary and Joseph after their big day.

Mary and our precious baby Jesus.

Our wonderful Narrators!

1 comment:

  1. Our out of town family loved the pageant. Good work all who participated.


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