Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Plans for the new year are underway! Two weeks ago this crack team of catechists met at Panera's to plan for youth confirmation this fall. We are really looking forward to working with our amazing young people. Confirmation class is open to youth (grades eight, nine, and ten) who would like to deepen their faith and grow in their knowledge of the Church as preparation for the sacrament of confirmation.
On Homecoming Sunday, September 9th, at 9:45 am we will be meeting with interested youth and their parents in the Library to share our plans for confirmation classes which will begin on September 16th. We are reading My Faith, My Life again this year, which is a wonderful blend of information and spiritual formation.
Rev. Peter is offering an Inquirer's Class this fall as well for adults who would like to be confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church, or who might like to reaffirm their faith. This is always a meaningful and interesting experience for participants! Talk to me or to Rev. Peter for more information.
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