
Friday, April 13, 2012

Try This! Easter Garden

Alleluia! Christ is Risen!

The Cross
The Tomb on Good Friday
The Empty Tomb

Christ is Risen! Alleluia!

My daughter and I made this Easter Garden on Holy Saturday. I'd planned to start much earlier in Lent but always seem to leave these things to the last minute! It is lovely to have around and a great reminder of the season. I've tried lighting tea light candles along the "path" in the evening which is beautiful! It feels a bit too big for the kitchen table, but I think I'll keep it there for now, and try to to find another place for the weeks ahead.

I read about Easter Gardens at several beautiful blogs, including A Holy Experience and St Theophan Academy. I made the butterfly with directions from Flame: Creative Children's Ministry. The plants came from Home Depot and the pot from Target. My daughter and I made the cross from sticks and the tomb from aluminum foil covered in sculpey. It was easy to make and fun to do! Try it! 


  1. I love this! The ivy is perfect - Remember the True Vine in Level II? I want to create this for my atrium! Thank you for the beautiful idea!

    1. Hi Stephanie, I'm so glad you like the garden. And I'm glad you noticed the ivy -- I was happy to find it! I was planning on bringing mine into my level 2 atrium. What do you think about the idea of bringing in the supplies and have the children in the atrium make the garden? I'm toying with that idea too! Thanks for reading!

  2. Very nice pictures. I love the empty tombs.

  3. i mean the empty tomb.

    1. :) I knew just what you meant! Thanks for reading!

  4. What a cool idea!

    Thank you for stopping by my blog!

  5. Beautiful garden! thank you for linking, and thank you for all of the beautiful photos of your atrium. I get so inspired when I come here - I am completing my level 2 training this weekend, and looking forward to expanding our program this fall to accommodate some of our older children.

    1. Hi Anna, I loved seeing your graduation photos and that little corner of the certificate that we all share! Also, it is so great to know people who can get as excited about a pretty match box as I can! Congrats on finishing level two and best of luck as your prepare for your expanded program in the fall! What a blessing for your children!


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