
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Before The Triduum

As we head into the Triduum (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday) I have to laugh at the table in my office. I have a habit of putting everything that is prepared and ready on my table so I'll have it when I need it. Baskets full of ribbon for decorating our Easter banner, bells for ringing at our Easter celebrations and Easter booklets for coloring, three hundred stuffed eggs and little bags for holding them all stand at the ready! I also have the bulletins and songs sheets for our Maundy Thursday Service for Families copied and ready to go. The table can't take much more!

My work is a mix of silly and Sacred during these busy Holy days. I spend more time than I care to admit wondering "How many pieces of candy are in this bag, and will they all fit in the eggs?!" This year my egg/banner/coloring book work has felt a bit like preparing a party for dear friends, and I can't wait to see the children's faces on Easter morning!

Church offers plenty of opportunity to encounter the Sacred this week! In my work I ponder "What are the most essential elements of Maundy Thursday for our children?" I consider each moment of the service wondering, "Can a child do this?" As a member of the Christ Church community, I treasure the opportunity to participate in our Holy Week services each day. I am so grateful to Rev. Peter for crafting our services and the entire week with such care.

Maundy Thursday is tomorrow, and we will gather for our Maundy Thursday Family Service at 5:30 pm in the Chapel. This may be my favorite service of the year, and if you are local I sure hope to see you there!

Many blessings to you and yours in the holy days ahead!


  1. Leslie, would you mind sharing your Maundy Thursday service?

    1. Hi Ellen, Send me your email at and I'll pass it along! Thanks for reading!

  2. Leslie,

    Can you tell us more about "bells to ring at our Easter celebrations"?

    1. Hi Browniesmoke! Our priest, Rev.Peter, always invites everyone to bring bells to our Easter services (including the Vigil) and we ring them during the hymn of praise "Glory to God in the Highest." I have extra cheapy bells for weddings on hand for people without bells and people also ring their key chains. It is a great tradition and everyone enjoys it, especially the children! Its so nice hearing from you! I hope you had a wonderful Easter!


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