
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Resources for Lent

Lent is underway! Has the more quiet, contemplative feeling of the season taken hold in your life and family yet? Here are a few resources to help you on your Lenten journey!
  • Follow Christ Church parishioners and our priest, the Rev. Peter Faass who are blogging daily reflections on the book "A Practical Christianity" by Jane Shaw at Peter's Musings
  • Take part in Lent Madness! Each day you can learn about two saints and vote for your favorite! This is a tournament-like single elimination bracket like March Madness and would be fun for youth as well as adults.
  • Check out these wonderful two minute videos by the Brothers of the Society of St. John the Evangelist on Living a Rule of Life. They are posting a new video each day in Lent.
Bring the season of Lent to life for yourself and for your family!


  1. Hey Leslie, We'd love it if you would post any of your Lent posts, old or new, on the Celebrating Lent Link-Up. Your posts are a great resource that others would like to read!

    1. Sheila, You read my mind! I was just thinking today that I should link up. I've never done it before but I'm enjoying you links a lot so I'll give it a try in my next post. Thanks for thinking of me!

    2. :) :) we'd love you to join us! :) :)


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