
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Pictures from our Celebration!

John, Jesus, and Peter!
We held the Last Supper Celebration today in the atrium. It was a lovely morning, and fun to have the different age groups together. You can learn more about our morning by reading this previous post on the Last Supper Celebration.

This is such a quiet and intimate celebration that I didn't want to interrupt by taking photos. But I managed to snap some pictures as we drank juice and ate lots and lots of matzo at the end. I seriously doubt anyone needed lunch today!

1 comment:

  1. Celebrations are a great opportunity for all the children to be together. It's a special time. I gave the younger children a tour of the True Vine Atrium after the celebration to look for works that are the same as the Good Shepherd atrium. We decided to work with the Good Shepherd since it is the same as ours.


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