
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Happy fourth day of Christmas! Our annual Christmas Eve Pageant was marvelous this year! Thank you to all of the children and youth who participated for making the night so special. The pageant is a big undertaking and we are so grateful to the adults in our parish who helped to make the pageant a success:

Rev. Peter Faass, Our Priest
Graham Lanz, Director
Justin Miller, Music Director
Cathy Wolford, Asst. Music Director
Erin Pawlak, Costumes
Melissa Gleeson, Lunches

Thank you also to all of the parents and members of the congregation who helped serve food and guide sheep, angels, and wise men this year!

Here are some pictures of our Pageant for you to enjoy!

Everyone loves to say hello to the donkey
 before he has his big moment leading
 Mary and Joseph down the aisle.
 Dwayne (human) and Herbie (camel) are
honorary members of our congregation!

We love seeing the animals each Christmas!
We were blessed with many animals of our own this year!
The Star leads the way!
Angels prepare!
Shepherd and cow ready to go!
Our wonderful narrators take their places!

The congregation gathers!
Away in the Manger.
Mary, Jesus, and Joseph look on as we celebrate Communion.
The Junior Choir sang beautifully this year!

May the wonder and joy of Christmas Day continue to grow in you, and may God bless you in this Holy Season!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures and a beautiful service. Thanks to all who put it together.


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