
Friday, September 2, 2011

Tour of the Atrium: Good Shepherd

Our tour of our atrium for 3-6 year olds is almost complete! But where would we be without the Good Shepherd? The Parable of the Good Shepherd has a special place in the atrium because it has such an important place in the children's hearts. Jesus is the Good Shepherd, and he knows each one of us by name. We listen for his voice and he leads and protects us with love. 

This area is dedicated to the Good Shepherd works. The table on the left is only used for working with the Good Shepherd materials and the sheepfold always sits on top of it. The drawer on the left is where the sheep and Good Shepherd pieces are stored (although we often leave them out as they are in the photo above to attract the interest of the children). The drawer on the right holds the small altar, fair linen, and other pieces that we use with a later Good Shepherd presentation.

This little bookcase on the right holds booklets for the Good Shepherd works, line drawings of the Good Shepherd and sheep for tracing, a few images of the Good Shepherd, and words to the 23rd Psalm.

The Good Shepherd materials are loved by the children (and the catechists!) and this area is one of the first that you see when you enter our atrium.


  1. Dear Leslie, When I read your well-thought-out little articles, I wish that we had had the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd when I was in Sunday School! Still, I must remember that I am a Christian/Episcopalian these many years later. God works in mysterious ways! Love, Mary Jo

  2. I love your atrium tour, Leslie - and your Good Shepherd materials are wonderful! I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page:

  3. @Mary Jo Groppe I know just what you mean Mary Jo! I've thought the same thing myself. But you're right - God seems to find a way! Thanks for your comment and for reading! Love,

  4. @Deb Chitwood Thanks so much Deb! I am really enjoying having LivingMontessoriNow on my FB wall - its a great way to pick up on all the little gems you discover in your work!


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