
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tour of the Atrium: Parables

These are the parable shelves in the Good Shepherd Atrium. We present five parables to the 3-6 year old children, each focusing with wonder on the Kingdom of God. You can read more about the beauty of sharing parables with children in this post, called Parables in the Atrium.  Some parable materials include 3D environments, such as a house and courtyard, with baskets of pearls and a 2D figure of a man, to explore and meditate on the Parable of the Pearl of Great Price.  Others include images to ponder, seeds to touch, and even the ingredients needed to prepare and watch yeast rise! In addition to these primary materials, the parable area has line drawings of each parable that we explore on laminated cards, which can be traced, colored and put together into booklets.

The first parable we present is the mustard seed, and you can read more about it in this post called The Kingdom of God and the Mustard Seed.

The parable shelves are very popular year round, but particularly so when we present parables in the Season after Epiphany.


  1. I love the parable shelves! What a great idea. I just might have to snitch this one ;)

  2. @EricaG I'm so glad you like it Erica! Best wishes with your move and many blessings to your beautiful daughter! I'm looking forward to updates on the blog!


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