
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Being a 'Dayenu' People

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about Rev. Peter's invitation to us to enter into a spiritual practice of gratitude, and I mentioned his sermon on "Being a 'Dayenu' People." One thing I didn't mention is that the song "Dayenu" that Rev. Peter preached about may be well known to your children!

'Dayenu' is a joyful song from the Jewish celebration of the Passover. Each year in atrium, we remember Jesus' last Passover supper with his friends with the Last Supper Celebration.  Each of us takes on the role of a disciple and we reenact that special meal together. Afterward we sit around the table singing some of our favorite atrium songs, always ending with the song "Dayenu!"

In Hebrew, Dayenu means "it would have been enough." After singing an energetic rendition of the chorus of Dayenu we pause for someone to share an "it would have been enough" blessing before jumping into the chorus again. It is always wonderful to see the older children take the lead as they figure out what dayenu means and how the song works! One of my favorites contributions this year was "It would have been enough if God had let us have communion one time, but we get to have communion every Sunday!"

Dai, da-ye-nu
Dai, da-ye-nu
Dai, da-ye-nu
Da-ye-nu, da-ye-nu, da-ye-nu!


  1. Leslie;
    Do you have access to the actual music, written or recorded?

  2. @Shirley Pastore McCormack Hi Shirley - listen to this youtube video to hear Dayenu. We only sing the chorus (and we sing it faster and with a bit more staccato!!!)

  3. Thanks for your comment on my blog today! It's nice to hear from you. Your blog is an excellent resource. Love it!


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