
Monday, June 6, 2011

Making Connections: Maxims

The Maxim Box sits on the left and the Bible Box on the right in the photo above.

Several months ago I had a lovely experience with a child in the True Vine Atrium that I haven't had time to share. N. is relatively new to the atrium, and hasn't attended a Church in the past. It is so amazing to share in another person's first encounter with the Bible and the theology of the Church. We know that God is in relationship with every child, but to be with a person as they put words together with their experience and begin to understand the world through the lens of faith is really special.

In the previous month we had been working with the Bible, and learning to read and find Bible citations. On this particular day, we were working with the maxims. The maxims are short sayings, usually from Jesus, that teach us something about how we should live. N. was very interested in the maxims. After spending time looking up and contemplating several maxims, he decided to make maxims of his own. He pulled out the materials we have on hand to write out and decorate a maxim and got to work.

Materials for decorating maxims.
After finishing his first maxim, he brought it over to show me. He had written "Love Jesus and God and the Holy Spirit." Interestingly, he used the same citation system that we use with the Bible (listing a chapter and verse), and used his own name as the name of the book! He was very excited about the prospect of making more maxims and creating a booklet. I asked him how he would decide what to write. He thought for a minute and then announced that he would read the maxims of Jesus and put them into his own words, which is just what he did. He worked diligently for the rest of atrium (and the following atrium too, I might add!). His maxims were lovely, and we had some great conversations about them.

In addition to the wonderful work that N. did making his maxims, I was touched by a moment of prayer that we shared afterward, which I will write about in my next post!


  1. I didn't realize that his little book wasn't a class assignment. Thanks for that.

  2. Beautiful post, Leslie! I love the maxims work, and it's great to hear about children's individual applications. I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page at

  3. @Deb Chitwood Hi Deb, I was on vacation and missed this! Thanks for featuring the post. I'm so glad you liked it! Happy summer!

  4. Beautiful testimony! What a wonderful light was lit in the Atrium that day. I hope one of our kids decides to do that for themselves. :) Thanks for sharing.

  5. One question, Where did you get the small letters you put on your Books of the Bible box? We have searched in our area and not found them. Help! We did find some small crosses and put them on the doors of the Maxims.

    1. A year later and I'm finally seeing this!! I'm so sorry. The blog has been sadly neglected. Did you find something? I know we got our in a craft store in the wood section. I think it was a Michaels but I'm not sure! I hope you founds something. Thanks for writing!


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