
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Photos from the Liturgy of Light

My last post described a bit about the Liturgy of Light Celebration from the atrium last Sunday. Here are some photos, taken by parishioner Kimberly Shepherd of Kat's Eye on Life, for you to enjoy!

Gathering in the hall to begin our celebration.

The children apply the wax decorations to the paschal candle.

The procession following our paschal candle to the atrium.

"The Light of Christ." "Thanks be to God!"
The paschal candle.

"Receive the light of Christ."

Singing and praying with our candles.

This Little Light of Mine!

Everyone enjoys a good Feast! Thank you for bringing the food!


  1. The picture of the two little girls giggling with their candles is absolutely precious! Another beautiful service, Leslie. : )

  2. @Sheila
    I love that photo too! Thanks Shelia! It is so nice hearing from you!

  3. Oh my goodness. This is so beautiful. I've been struggling with teaching about God to my young ones and I was curious about Catechism of the Good Shepherd. I will definitely be visiting here often. Thanks for your kind comment!

  4. @Becky Hi Becky! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I've been enjoying yours for a long time through google reader. I look forward to sharing more of our stories with each other as the days go by...

  5. Hi Leslie,

    Beautiful pictures !!
    Leslie, could you tell me how you decorate your Easter candle, especially with the wax decorations. It is beautiful. I use small Advery stick labels. But I would like to learn how to use wax like yours.
    Thank you in advance,

    1. Hi Elda,
      I cut the shapes out of sheets of wax by hand with an exacto knife. In fact, I'm getting ready to do it right now! You can buy the wax sheets at this site among others:
      Are you in an atrium? Thanks for reading!

    2. Leslie, Thank you for your response. I teach Kinder at a Catholic School and I do have an Atrium in my classroom.
      I will look into the website you send me. Thank you and Blessings,

    3. Elda, If you aren't in the USA the wax is made by Stockmar (which is a German company I believe) and you can probably search your area for their wonderful products. What a blessing to have an atrium in your classroom. Thanks for writing!

    4. OK last reply, I promise! Here is a link to another company. I just figured out this is the company that made the pack I have. You can buy this once and use it for years and years!

    5. Leslie,
      Thank you so much for your help. I am eager to receive my order. I live here in the states. In Brownsville, Texas. My school is St. Mary's. So if you are ever in the neighborhood, let me know, so you can visit my classroom and atrium.

    6. Hi Elda, I'm so glad you've got your wax ordered! I hope it make it to Texas someday - I would love to see your school and atrium! Many blessings to you and yours! Thanks again for reading!


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