
Monday, May 23, 2011

The Paschal Candle in our Church

In my last post, I talked a bit about the symbols from the paschal candle that we decorate in the atrium as a part of our Liturgy of Light Celebration. I mentioned that this candle is quite a bit different than the one we see in Church. My blogging friend Storyteller asked about the Church's candle and I thought I would include a few photos of it here.

Our candle was painted by a former priest of the parish and is oil filled and reusable. The paschal candle has a cross in the center without the year, a thistle above (symbol of the suffering of Christ) and flames below (symbol of the light of Christ and of the Holy Spirit).

In the atrium, our desire is always to point toward our practice in Church as a way of enabling children to fully participate in our worship and in the Christian life. Thus, it would probably be more appropriate for us to decorate our paschal candle in the atrium as our Church candle is decorated. However, I love the traditional design and words so much and find that they speak so powerfully to the children that I haven't had the heart to adapt them. 

So for now, a little explanation is sometimes necessary when the children see the paschal candle in the Sanctuary. Parents and Caregivers - feel free to comment upon or ask about the differences between the candles when you are sitting with your children in Church!

1 comment:

  1. What a special candle! Thank you for showing and telling us about it. (And I also enjoyed spotting the Good Shepherd on your church's "focal shelf", as Godly Play folk might call it.)

    There is a tension, isn't there, between preparing children for worship in our own parish, and introducing them to the possibilities of varied practices in the wider church. I would say it's a richness for your children that they have a traditional candle in the atrium, and a unique candle, with its own story, in the sanctuary.


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