
Thursday, February 24, 2011

30 Hour Famine for Youth

Please keep Christ Church youth, their friends, and our youth leaders in your prayers Friday and Saturday as they take on the 30 Hour Famine!  This is our 8th year doing the famine.  Youth will begin fasting at 1:00 pm Friday and will meet at the Church at 6:00 pm for an overnight.  Friday night they will participate in a poverty simulation game, do some work around the Church, gather for prayer, and finish the evening with movies and games.  Saturday they will spend time visiting with residents and do some cleaning at our local "adopted" nursing home, gather for communion with Rev. Peter, and at 7:00 pm they will break their fast with a celebratory feast!

It isn't too late to sponsor our youth. Visit their team web page for more information.  Last year, our youth raised $1800 for hungry people around the world. This year they have set a lofty goal of $3600! Knowing our youth, and knowing the parish I think they just might make it!  :)


  1. Way to connect with what's REALLY important on a Friday night - thanks for your courageous service - go team!

  2. Very proud of the Christ Church team for their efforts to end hunger. You are awesome.


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