
Monday, January 10, 2011

Our Christmas Celebration

Here are some photos from our Christmas Celebration with the Good Shepherd and True Vine children yesterday. This is a laid back morning - we listen to the infancy narratives together while the children act out the scenes.  Children wear simple costumes and repeat back words from the scripture.  It's a nice chance for us to enjoy the infancy narratives as a whole with the younger children, after the excitement of the holidays is past.

I am just getting back into the swing of things here and should have some new posts for you soon.  Keep checking back, or better yet, subscribe to the blog via email with the form on the sidebar.  In the meantime, enjoy the photos!

Mary and Joesph with baby Jesus in Bethlehem.
The Angel Gabriel appears to the shepherds and sheep.
A multitude of the heavenly host appear to the shepherds.  (I love this one!)
Everyone gathers around baby Jesus to offer him gifts of our own.

The Christmas feast!  Thanks for the goodies parents!

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